Can I use the Multipod upside down?


Can I remove the slope corrector from 002 and 003 models?

No – The Multipod is designed as a complete unit. When the base slope corrector is set to ‘Zero’ it is level. Removing the base will cause the pedestal to be out of level and unstable.

Do I need to use wind plugs?

Although it is not a requirement, for the best result we recommend using wind plugs to stop the potential for wind lift under your pavers.

How do I hide an exposed edge?

Adhere an L Shaped aluminium angle to the substrate and ensure it is high enough to cover the exposed edge hiding the pedestal and paver edge.

What is the smallest tile or paver that can be used?

For the best result we recommend no smaller than 40 x 40 cm.

How much weight can Multipods hold?

Multipod are incredibly strong – click here to see testing figures.

How many Multipod pedestals will I need to construct a timber deck?

The quantity per meter squared depends on the type of deck you are installing which is subject to material and size of installation.

What substrates are suitable to install Multipod on?

Concrete is the best performing substrate

What material can be used on Multipod pedestals?

Tiles (min 20mm engineered porcelain), stone, marble, granite, travertine, concrete, timber, etc.

Why use a Multipod pedestal system compared to traditional tiling?

Pedestal systems provide the ability to run services/conduit under the finished floor. It is superior for long term maintenance and water drainage. Has better acoustic insulation and enables a flat floor.